With LectorLips you can create your own Lip-Sync-Animations in Minecraft. With the help of Adobe Character Animator and our Presets you can convert your Timeline into an Sequencer-Morph.
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1. Set up your Mouth-Visemes

Don't worry, you only have to take this step once. Prepare at least 13 mouth images (maximum 15) and save them somewhere safe in the Blockbuster Models folder. Make sure that the first image starts at “0.png” and is in the correct order, you can find an image for reference here. You can also download our preset for free, where you will find ready-made mouth pictures.

2. Convert your Audio

Now we can start converting your audio file or recording into the text file we need for this website. You can record your audio file there or import it from outside. Also enter a transcript for better accuracy and then under “Timeline” click on “Compute Lip Sync Take from Scene Audio” (or with “...and Transcript”, if you have a Transcript), right-click on your timeline and copy the visemes for After Effects.

3. Use LectorLips 2.0

Paste the copied viseme-timeline into the field provided on this website. Next, we need the relative path to your visemes. As the path must start with “b.a:”, open one of the mouth images with the model block in Blockbuster as a test and copy the path from the NBT data. Finally, you can specify how long the last frame of the mouth animation should be.

4. Add your finished animation to Minecraft

You can easily add your NBT data to the overview of your models by right-clicking. That's it! From here on, it's entirely up to you how you use your mouth animation. Have fun!

Still having difficulties? Have a look at the tutorial!
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